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2024 Identity Breach Report

identity breach report

Welcome to the GenAI Attack Revolution: How AI and Large, Complex Data Sets Are Amplifying the Risk of Identity Exploitation

The fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and complex data sets is emerging as the next major catalyst for digital transformation. This year’s 2024 Identity Breach Report reveals how these powerful tools are both escalating the sophistication of cyber threats and providing groundbreaking solutions for defenders.

What You’ll Learn:

  • AI and Data: A Double-Edged Sword

AI and big data are reshaping cybersecurity. Tools like FraudGPT and WormGPT make attacks more sophisticated and affordable, while also increasing security demands on organizations.

  • Unprecedented Data Exposure

98% of 2023 breaches involved Personally Identifiable Information (PII), with each record containing up to 8 critical identity attributes, highlighting an unprecedented level of data sensitivity.

  • Emerging Trends and Insights

Our 2024 report reveals key trends and threats, underscoring the need for innovative strategies to effectively combat and address cybercrime.

  • Leveraging Big Data for Defense

AI and big data not only fuel attacks but also enhance defense capabilities. The report details how these tools improve threat detection and response with unmatched speed and accuracy.

Download the 2024 Identity Breach Report to equip yourself with the latest insights into breach trends, emerging threats, and actionable strategies.

Download the Report Now