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Our Digital Ecosystem in the Era of the COVID-19 Crisis: An Interview Between Alejandro Romero & the European Council on Foreign Relations:

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In mid-February 2020 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) accurately remarked, “We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic,” making reference to false information that “spreads faster and more easily than this virus.” Amidst a rapidly intensifying information landscape and an unprecedented global public health crisis, the dangers of the complex challenges of information disorder in the digital ecosystem are emphasized dramatically.

Alejandro Romero, COO of Constella Intelligence (formerly Alto Analytics), recently sat down for an interview with José Ignacio Torreblanca, Head of the European Council on Foreign Relations and Senior Policy Fellow. The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) is an award-winning international think-tank that aims to conduct cutting-edge independent research on European foreign and security policy and to provide a safe meeting space for decision-makers, activists and influencers to share ideas. Below, enjoy the complete 20-minute interview where a range of topics concerning the dynamics of the digital information ecosystem within the context of the global COVID-19 phenomenon are discussed. This illuminating talk covers perspectives derived from years of extensive research and analysis conducted by data scientists and analysts at Constella Intelligence on the nature of the inner workings of disinformation in the public digital sphere. Our published work on anti-vaccine narratives is also mentioned in the discussion.

Watch the complete interview (in Spanish with English subtitles) below:

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