Infostealer Botnet & Phishing Attacks

Alert your customers to new phishing attacks and identity threats before threat actors exploit them for account takeover or monetize them on the dark web.


Botnet Infostealers represent a type of malware that, upon infecting a computer, extracts sensitive data such as credentials, personally identifiable information (PII), cookies, and documents. They effectively are a mini breach of an individual computer, potentially exposing dozens or even hundreds of credentials. These stolen credentials are particularly hazardous as they are often current and can include access details for banks, email, and social media accounts from major platforms that may not have experienced breaches. The prevalence of Botnet Infostealer incidents has surged in recent years, impacting millions of computers. The stolen information is frequently traded by access brokers within underground communities.

A Botnet Infostealer is a Double Security Incident

Remote access to systems


A Compromised Computer. A criminal has remote access to a computer in your organization:

1. Can run lateral movements
2. Can run ransomware attacks
3. Can steal sessions, circumventing 2FA

An exfiltration event


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Real-Time Alerts for Stolen Credentials and Personal Data (PII)

Constella Botnet and Phishing Monitoring identifies compromised credentials or personal information as it’s harvested by phishing campaigns or botnet malware before that stolen information appears on the dark web.

Constella delivers actionable, real-time alerts to your customers when their credentials or PII have been harvested before threat actors can exploit it for account takeover or sell it on the dark web.

Get Comprehensive Identity Protection with Botnet and Phishing​

With Botnet and Phishing Monitoring, partners and customers can immediately take protective measures to thwart a breach or abuse of the stolen information—minimizing the potential for financial loss and personal disruption.

Customers of Phishing and Botnet Protection will also be prompted to reset passwords for compromised accounts before damage occurs and will have unique and immediate visibility into when they have been victims of an attack.

“Providing consumers with real-time, proactive notification of credential compromise, alerting them to change their passwords before their information appears on the dark web, will be essential in the coming years as phishing and botnet campaigns become more prevalent.”

– Tracy Kitten, Director of Fraud & Security at Javelin Strategy & Research.

See Botnet & Phishing Monitoring In Action

The Constella Intelligence API is your best solution for Phishing & Botnet protection. Add it to your intelligence arsenal and prevent identity data from falling into the wrong hands in all Web locations.

It has the most comprehensive, accurate collection of curated identity breach data on the planet, with over 180 billion attributes and 124 billion breached identity records spanning 125 countries and 53 languages.

Breached Identity Records
0 B+
Total Attributes
0 B+
Countries Covered

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Phishing & Botnet Protection

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